martes, 12 de junio de 2012

Baños públicos en Australia....

3 comentarios:

  1. Ten minutes max! And I think that musiquita would give me constipation. Nor would I trust the electronic door - what if it gets stuck! Aaagh, claustrophobia! But at least there was loo paper.

  2. Anyway better and cleaner than the spanish bathrooms!!! And also that feeling when you come into a spanish bathroom and you cannot lock the door....hehehehe

  3. jajajajajaj, joer Soti, no se yo, da un poco de grima ese baño, no??!!!jajajjaja.
    Parece el "Enterprise" de la Flota Estelar o mejor aun "HAL" de Odisea en el espacio. Mira que si se te revela mientras estas meando...te la puede liar pardísima!!jajajja.
    Un besazo fuerte
